Thursday 3 April 2008

New Extention on the Flower Train


Something new and exciting to share :) I am sorry that I haven't been up to date with projects and such. Life has taken other turns and dips and dives and I haven't been in the spirit or headspace to write properly. Here we are though!! And I have new products that have just been released at Weavermania Productions! Flower hair clips and barrettes! They are the same lovely flowers as the brooches but made into barrettes and made smaller and cuter for snappy hair clips :) Ive made a bunch of matching sets, as well as some with alternating colours. They are really fun to make but am sad to say that I have to use heavy duty adhesive to secure the flowers onto the silver clips and barrettes. They contain no holes or spaces for a needle and thread so I have to therefore glue the flowers to their surfaces :( I have indeed secured them well though!! You should not have to worry about loosing the flowers at all. The flowers themselves are made with much care and precision and now they are heavily glued to the surface of the clips. I don't like the fact that it is not eco friendly but one small tube will go a LONG way!! I promise! hehehe.

I think these clips are great for kids as well as adults! Some are made with wools, others with acrylics (for the anti-wool vegan). I myself am vegan but have delved into a craft which is heavily dependent upon wool. I buy from local suppliers and find what I can at charity shops and the like. I find you can only do what you can and have to find a balance that is right for you. Anyways, this isn't a post about being vegan...its a post about lovely hair accessories :) I have a bunch of other ideas about how to make these little clippies. I will try to do my best to keep you posted on my new projects!!! I have a lovely scarf on the loom right now which is going to be allllllll mine! hehehe! I'll take some photos and explain the process next!!

Thanks for stopping by!!!!!