Monday 21 January 2008

Swapping One Lovely Handmade Good for Another...

I will begin the blog entries with the newest and most exciting projects.
This is a scarf I made for the wonderful and lovely Mariee Sioux. She is an amazing singer/songwriter from California who I happened to come across on myspace. Mesmerized by voice and acoustics, I had to somehow claim a copy of her album Faces in the Rocks. I wrote to Mariee and asked if we could revert back to the days of old and possibly swap craft for craft. She willingly obliged and sent me her album. This was the project that manifested through her fantastic music. The pattern is stripes of broken twill juxtaposed with stripes of basket weave. I hand embroidered (a first attempt) a feather into the scarf for an added unique characteristic to the scarf. She still has not received it but when she does I will make sure to post a photo of her wearing it!! hehehe. If you would like to take a sneak peek at her music visit She will be greatly appreciative of any newcomers :) Don't you love when people are as trusting and audacious as you. It makes wonderful things happen. This landed my scarves in yet another country, now embedding themselves in England, Ireland, Scotland, Spain, Australia, Canada, and now the United States. Its wonderful to see your craft being sent to other sides of the world. Whether or not I get there myself is another story!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How'd you mix the hopsack and the twill? Is it just in the threading? It looks great!